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Do You Know How to Get the Most $$$ For Your Trade-In?

Since the internet has come into play with the car business, the customer has definitely been able to use it as a tool to work in their advantage in one area in particular... trade-in value.

It is not uncommon for a customer to be at their desk, on their iPhone, looking up what their trade in is worth. There are many sources on the web where you can get information on what a fair value is... but are you doing everything you can to actually get top dollar for your car?

Here's the key thing to keep in mind... the dealership is going to attempt re-selling the car you are trading in.

So look at the cars on the lot. Make your car look and run like the cars on their lot and you'll get the most they will give you. It's a perfect car if they don't have to do anything to sell it again and can just make money on it.

The trade in is the one place where dealerships have the most leverage in giving you, the customer a better deal. The price of the car you are buying... they can only go so low. They didn't steal the cars. Your interest rate... that's only going to get so low too. The dealership takes their piece but most of that is going to the bank. So the best place to go to keep more money in your pocket is the trade in.

The thing about the trade in value... it's set by someone at the dealership. Typically the used car manager sets this price. Other occasions, the dealership might have an appraiser or even just have the sales manager appraise your car.

Are the tires and brakes good? Does the engine run good? Those are things that are more expensive fixes... but honestly, not even the most important when it comes to getting the most for you trade in value.

Because it is a person who is ultimately setting the value on your car in the deal, that person can set the value to whatever they want or feel fit. So make the car sell good to them. Make it look nice.

Extra nice.

Get the car professionally detailed.

Fix up any minor body damage... Be realistic with yourself on this one. Alot of people tend to get a little "personal" when it comes to damage on their car. It's okay. You can admit it's there. It happened. Just fix it. Look at your car as if you were going to buy it yourself in its current state. What would you say about it?

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